Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Invalid product keys?

why is my product key invalid? i typed correctly and it is all legit. what can i do? its for a Hp pavilion dv6000.
Invalid product keys?
did you use the correct disk? If you use a retail disk when the the key is for an oem disk it wont work. best thing i can suggest is that you call microsoft, usually the phone activation goes pretty well.
Invalid product keys?
If you're sure it's the right key that you've entered and you have a legit copy, contact the vendor. If it's Windows you're talking about then contact HP, if they can't help (and there's a good chance they won't) then contact Microsoft directly at their 800#. I've done this a couple times and they're unbelievably helpful.

If it's for some other product then contact the vendor directly. They should be able to help you out over the phone.

Good luck!! :)

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