Friday, November 6, 2009

What hardware component of a computer?

When openning .exe file or executing programs in my computer it ussually takes about 10 sec to execute.what hardware component increases the speed of the execution?
What hardware component of a computer?
RAM (Random Access Memory)
What hardware component of a computer?
well its got to be ram....
Reply:Yeah try your RAM first
Reply:sounds like your hard drive is gettin full of programs and other crap.

try defragging your C:/ before anything else

also, make sure you are running your exe's (mostly installs, right?) in your C:/ drive, and not something slow like a USB or SD drive
Reply:running them from your main hard-drive would increase the speed as well as defragmenting it (if you are running windows that is)

other wise you could shell out to physically upgrade your computer, more RAM will speed things up as well as a faster processor.

could just be that you are running multiple programs at one. try closing the ones you don't need at that time.
Reply:Simple answer: Your procesor actualy executes the .exe

Better Answer: Your whole computer, depending on what the process does.

I'm just gonna assume a windows environment, otherwise your a computer geek and can figure out the differences on your own anyway.

Applicable Answer: If you mean you wait about 10 secs for it to run it, chances are your having issues with memory and pageing space. The #1 culprit would tend to be Windows with it's poor memory/page file managment. Culprit #2 would tend to be Memory itself. (RAM) #3 is your Hard drive. Faster access to your harddrive (like SATA) can greatly help with page file waiting.

Check 1: If you run a program, then exit it and run it again, will it sometimes load more quickly?

This is usualy because windows has already set aside the necessary space in memory.

Check 2: Does it take a long time to minimize a program and switch back and forth between the desktop? This is mostly with fullscreen programs

This is usualy because Windows is paging to make room in main memory for watever your switching to.

Check 3: did your computer run faster before? This is usualy because one or more of all those usless background programs, commonly with poor programing, is interfering with normal system operation.

Try: Defrag HDD to get faster access rates. Both for page file and for program rescources. If you don't know how to do that you shouldn't be taking your computer apart either.

Try: Turn off most of the usless crap thats started running in the backround by runing sysconfig in the run box. Under the startup and services tabs, hide the microsoft items and turn off everything, then go back through and recheck anything that you recognize anything associated with something you want. (like ATI stuf if u got a ATI video card)

Try: Fresh reinstall of OS. Piticularly with a faster stabler OS like XP Home/Linux instead of XP Media Center Edition/Windows ME

Try: Get more memory, its cheap latey.

Try: SATA Drive, make sure ur motherboard supports it first.

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