Sunday, October 11, 2009

Laptop WILL NOT turn on.?

When I press the power button, it does nothing. IT is charged and worked last night, but now it does NOTHING. HELP PLEASE!!!
Laptop WILL NOT turn on.?
Try plugging in the mains power cable and trying to start it up. This can help reset the PSU on the laptop.

It's possible your battery is dead/dying or has a connection problem. You can also try removing the battery, waiting 10 seconds, then plugging it back in again.
Laptop WILL NOT turn on.?
Take out the battery, wait about 30 seconds or so and then put it back in. See if that helps. If not, try taking out the battery and then plugging in the power adapter and try turning it on. If it still does not turn on, you will need to take it to a repair center and have them diagnose it.
Reply:Try remove the battery and use the power supply to try.

If ok, put in the battery and retry. If retry still cannot, then get the battery replace.

If not ok, get your laptop repair.
Reply:It could be one of three things.

First, If you have another charger or docking station, try plugging it in to one of them. Also , try it without the battery in the laptop.

If that doesn't do it, it could be the power device on your laptop is fried.

The last thing i can think of is the motherboard dying out. How old is the computer? What brand is it?

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